Bath University Canoe Club sign ups

Sign up for: Intermediate White Water - Sun 17th Nov


The plan is (rain allowing) going to the Dart which is all grade 2-3 and if we have time also the Walkham, which starts at grade 2 and is then continuous 3

If there’s not enough rain there’s a 4-6 cumec followed by a 8 cumec park and paddle session at CIWW (£14 for one session £22 for both) on that day so that will be our back up!

In terms of what we are considering an ‘intermediate’ for this trip, it’s basically anyone who wouldn’t be eligible for beginners white water because they did it a previous year or have white water experience from other trips, and if your unsure if you’re eligible ask our coaching sec Rhys (

Any general questions about the trp ask me! (

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